A Pleasuarble Dieting And Weightloss Experience

Tired of the same old do's and don't when it comes to dieting and weight loss? If you're one of the many women trekking the hard path to weight loss, you've probably come across programs that tell you to avoid certain kinds of food. There are those that recommend vigorous exercises to rev up your metabolism but only allows you to eat a third of your usual intake. Chances are, you feel deprived. And this deprivation will probably cause you to binge later or have mood swings. I...

A Pleasuarble Dieting And Weightloss Experience

Tired of the same old do's and don't when it comes to dieting and weight loss? If you're one of the many women trekking the hard path to weight loss, you've probably come across programs that tell you to avoid certain kinds of food. There are those that recommend vigorous exercises to rev up your metabolism but only allows you to eat a third of your usual intake. Chances are, you feel deprived. And this deprivation will probably cause you to binge later or have mood swings. It could even affect your work and family life. But did you know that you could diet and lose weight without sacrificing the things you want? This is the game plan for the slow and conscious eating diet.

Recent studies concluded that diets which are low-fat or low-calorie can only do so much to your body. Dieting and weight loss through this may not event prevent heart diseases. Moreover, another research show that our bodies utilize and absorb more nutrients from foods that we like. This means that scarfing down plate after plate of brussels sprouts or brocolli won't do you much good than you expect if you don't like veggies. This is because if we are presented with something that we like, say, roasted chicken with lemon butter sauce, our brain, upon recognizing the smells and sight will send signals to the stomach to release more digestive juice. The result? A better metabolized and digested protein than servings of tofu that will just go to waste simply because our brain protested against it. But don't binge yet, certain precautions must be considered to avoid going into a pleasure eating overdrive.

First, the food must have nutritional content. This means that chips and chocolate diets are out. Vegetables, fruits, proteins, and whole grains are preferred. Smother them in sauce and prepare them the way you like. Fry, steam, grill, or bake, it's up to you. The key to this method of dieting and weight loss is proper nutrition and yummy food. Second, assess why you need to eat. Are you really hungry? Is it just for socializing? Or is the desire to eat an emotional thing? In short, have the right attitude when it comes to food. Eat substantial portions are enough for sustenance, a small amount if you're just in for the chat, and control your indulgence when eating for emotional needs. This brings us to our third consideration, the method of eating or your eating habits. You may have to tweak your eating habits a few times to control eating for pleasure. Make like the French and chew your food slowly. Savor every flavor and texture. It is important to prolong delight in eating your meal. Without realizing it, you'll feel fuller and more satiated sooner with smaller portions. The result? Easy dieting and weight loss with minimal effort on your part.

dieting, weight loss, health, nutrition, eating for pleasure

A New Way To Lose Weight From The Orient

Taking a tea, or a proven supplement to assist in weight loss is just one prong in battling weight and fat, but it is necessary to have a healthy diet and to maintain a program of exercise at the same time if we are to continue to keep the extra weight and fat off our bodies. Discover the benefits of taking a Chinese tea as a supplement that may help in weight loss.

A New Way To Lose Weight From The Orient

To try to lessen the bad feelings of being called fat or overweight, we tend to use lesser dreaded and offensive words such as "larger size" and "big" instead of plain "overweight" and "fat". But it took just one comment from a buddy friend, a nurse in the local hospital, to bring home a deep truth. She said, " In my entire life working in this hospital, I have yet to see a fat oriental chinese lady", referring to the patients she has seen seeking treatment in the government hospital.
Of course, it is not true that there are no fat oriental chinese ladies in the world, because fat and overweight are universal issues affecting all races and cultures, irrespective of skin and color. But is there a health secret coming from the Orient that makes the chinese lady generally slimer and slender?

Indeed, recent discoveries in Japan showed that a type of chinese tea called the Okuma's Wu Long tea together with a healthy diet and exercise revealed that people who regularly consumed this tea experienced over TWICE the calorie-burning results of those who drank the same amount of authentic Japanese green tea. Drinking this Wu Long tea 15 minutes before eating carbohydrates also helped blunt the rise in insulin that normally comes after eating food that contained a lot of carbohydrates. As carbohydrates causes weight gain by increasing insulin levels, drinking this tea helps to control weight gain.

Like other teas as well, Japan's Shiga University of Medical Science found that drinking Wu-Long tea also daily dramatically clears up skin eczema within just one month, and helps in reducing free radicals, and lower the risk of infections such as the common cold.

Indeed, in the ancient chinese pharmaceutical book "Bencao Shiyi "(The Compendium of Materia Medica), it is said that tea "will make one live long and stay in good shape." Tea, particularly the oriental Wu-Long tea that comes from China's Fujian Province has been used by countless generations of ladies to help melt away body fat, boost energy and even clarify the skin, and these newer scientific discoveries in Japan seem to indicate that it is possible to drink away pounds of unwanted body fat and loose inches from the waistline.

Teas are just a form of natural supplements to help in weight management and fat loss. Taking a supplement to assist in weight loss is just one prong in battling weight and fat, but it is necessary to have a healthy diet and to maintain a program of exercise at the same time if we are to continue to keep the extra weight and fat off our bodies. Therefore, selection of a good supplement, having a balanced diet and having a fitness program will go a long way to get your weight down.

lose weight, chinese green team, lose fat, gain muscle

A Low Carbohydrate Diet works for weight loss…Don’t Believe the Hype!

When one aspires to lose weight, the common suggestion is to “Cut the carbs and increase the protein intake.” However, independent research now reveals how detrimental a low-carbohydrate diet can actually be to your overall health, read more to see why and how.

A Low Carbohydrate Diet works for weight loss…Don’t Believe the Hype!

When the average person embarks on a diet or fitness regimen in the aim of losing weight or building muscle mass, what they are usually instructed to do is to eat lots of protein and go on a low carbohydrate diet to accomplish either of the goals.

Right there, an observer should see a red-flag: “How is it that the same dietetic suggestion for weight loss remains applicable for building muscle mass?!”
We all know we need a certain amount of protein everyday to remain healthy. Based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial. But have you really seen any one lose the desired weight on such popular diets as the Atkins Diet, which is basically a low-carbohydrate/high protein lifestyle.

I have seen several people try it and fail, and even became sicker for the process.

Here are some other facts that should spur you in the right direction in regards to excessive protein consumption: According to the French Hygienist, Albert Mosseri, diseases and conditions which can be caused or aggravated by too much protein intake include: Leukemia, Skin Diseases and even Cancer.

Based on the John Robbins work titled: Diet for a New America, the number of people in the US suffering from diseases caused by protein excess is a mind-boggling 40, 000, 000 compared to a measly 3 people suffering from the deficiency of this substance.

Judging from these, it may be time to revise the misinforming ideas on protein in our diets.

Let’s consider some factors on why a Low Carbohydrate Diet may be unnecessary and even detrimental to one’s health.
1. The animals that are usually eaten for protein, what do they subsists on?
Substances of the Plant Kingdom for example: cows live on grass exclusively.

2. 98% of the human population is sweet toothed...which shows that carbohydrates are our main need contrary to popular belief.

3. The great apes are primarily fruit eaters (although with substantial amount of leaves in their diets) How similar are humans to them? Very much so. We share 98% of the same genes.

4. It’s been scientifically proven that mother's milk is about 2% protein, now if this is the ideal of a growing baby for the first 3 years; of course it shows the minimal need of it. (Point of note, the milk of a woman is affected by her diet so of course that should be checked.)

5. The need of protein for the human body is about a nickel's weight worth, the excess is basically excreted in urine.

6. Several people subsists on fruits and green leaves exclusively or starchy root vegetables, fruits and leaves only and are in top shape-I've seen and am one of them.

7. People have fasted on water only for several days and were actually stronger for the process!

8. Fruits and green leaves give you sufficient protein: e.g. the Banana, Dates, Avocadoes, Olives, Cabbage, Lettuce, Durian, Young Coconuts and even the Apple. Exactly or a little more than what you need at a given time.

9. Based on research, the need for amino acids is highly exaggerated as only 16% or our body is Protein. Pure protein is primarily Nitrogen (N) with some Oxygen and Hydrogen and Carbon. We all know that we get a large share of our Oxygen and Hydrogen need from the air. Since we are able to utilize and assimilate a large amount of our needs of these elements, we are able to build the Nitrogen into our body as protein. This process is done by natural bacteria action that is capable of converting it to our use. People who smoke though cannot pick up Nitrogen from the air so easily but might still get enough from proper foods. Although for your well-being, cessation of tobacco usage is mandatory.

10. Research has been done on the diet of the aboriginal tribes living in the Mountains of Hagen. Their diet consisted of 80 % Sweet potatoes. The rest consisted of fruits and green leaf vegetables. Their daily consumption of protein was around 9.92 g. Meanwhile, eliminated in their fecal matter was a protein of around 15 times more of what was ingested. This phenomenon illustrates the protein synthesis illustrated above.

Definitely cutting back on the ‘wrong’ kinds of Carbohydrates such as Cakes, Confectioneries, Bread, Polished rice and the like will be mandatory for weight-loss, but replacing them with high protein foods is- just as from the points above-unnecessary and actually harmful for overall health and fitness.

So what should we eat? Simple, Raw and properly cooked Fruits, Roots and Leafy Vegetables. Not only is this kind of diet unmatched for speedy weight-loss, but your body will thank you for the change as you mechanically (via the broom-like/mucus-binding qualities of these substances) cleanse yourself from perhaps a life-time of wrong eating.

Remember the famous quote by Hippocrates; the “Father of Medicine”: “Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your Foods!” Therefore, don’t believe the hype of high-protein/low carbohydrate diets for weight-loss or fitness. For optimal health a wise combination of your organic, seasonal fruits, roots and veggies is the best and safest way to go.

Safe Weight Loss

A Lot Of People Diet To Lose Weight These Days

A Lot Of People Diet To Lose Weight These Days
When we chose to change our eating habits, we usually diet to lose weight. Sometimes we may have health issues, such as high cholesterol, which is what leads us to eat healthier.

Often times we diet to lose weight because as we are overweight and realize that our eating habits may have gotten in this predicament to begin with.

It is possible to just exercise and lose weight, but sooner or later the person will not lose any more weight without changing eating habits as w...

When we chose to change our eating habits, we usually diet to lose weight. Sometimes we may have health issues, such as high cholesterol, which is what leads us to eat healthier.

Often times we diet to lose weight because as we are overweight and realize that our eating habits may have gotten in this predicament to begin with.

It is possible to just exercise and lose weight, but sooner or later the person will not lose any more weight without changing eating habits as well. Most of the time it is the other way around; people diet, that is they count carbohydrates, fat grams, or calories, somehow limiting their food intake to reach weight loss goals.

Even though every source you read on diet to lose weight encourages combining the diet plan with exercise, not everyone does this right away. Of course, it is ideal to diet and exercise from the beginning of a diet plan, some people may feel overwhelmed by taking on too much change at once, if exercise has not been a part of their life.

There are quite a few online support sites to visit, that have a multitude of information for anyone looking to diet to lose weight. Some diets work better for some than others, for instance, the Atkins diet required quite a drastic cut in carbohydrates, which may not be an appropriate diet to lose weight for everyone.

The South Beach Diet is a popular diet to lose weight because it allows dieters to eat many of the foods they eat anyway and is not quite as restrictive as others. There are also weight loss systems such as Jenny Craig, the LA Weight Loss Center, or Curves for Women.

All of these programs are great and offer a good deal of support for anyone who wants to diet to lose weight. Exercise is encouraged, and for the Curves for Women plan, it is the central part of the program.

When you do decide to diet to lose weight, be sure you visit with your healthcare provider first before beginning your program, especially if you have quite a bit of weight to lose, or if you have health issues that may be of concern. Exercise should not be contraindicated for anyone and can be tailored for each individual dieter’s specific needs.

You diet to lose weight, but you must also incorporate exercise into your plan. You will gain greater health, and also be able to maintain your diet and fitness goals.

diet, health, fitness program, weight loss, vitamins, vitamin B12

A Look at Weight Loss Infomercials

Only in America could billions of dollars be made selling weight loss products to people who need to shed a few extra pounds. In a world full of starving people, Americans seem to have emerged as a nation of overfed, under exercised fatties who can’t put down that bag of potato chips, stop eating that ice cream or refuse that second (or third?) helping of pasta.  America’s weight problem – historically solved by eating less and exercising more – had now proliferated a dizzying array of products. Celebrities, nutritionists, doctors, herbologists, hucksters and former fatties have come up with thousands of products designed to melt fat, reduce cravings for bad foods, block carbs, sugar and fat, lose pounds while you sleep, and more..
A Look at Weight Loss Infomercials

Only in America could billions of dollars be made selling weight loss products to people who need to shed a few extra pounds. In a world full of starving people, Americans seem to have emerged as a nation of overfed, under exercised fatties who can’t put down that bag of potato chips, stop eating that ice cream or refuse that second (or third?) helping of pasta.  America’s weight problem – historically solved by eating less and exercising more – had now proliferated a dizzying array of products. Celebrities, nutritionists, doctors, herbologists, hucksters and former fatties have come up with thousands of products designed to melt fat, reduce cravings for bad foods, block carbs, sugar and fat, lose pounds while you sleep, and more..

Many products claim that, as long as you take one of the pills, you can eat what you want and actually lose weight. There are diet plans, calorie counters, diet food cooked and delivered to your doorstep daily, dance and walk your way to weight loss, the hula weight loss program, the Brazilian weight loss program, the fat burning, belly reducing, balanced woman, unbalanced woman.  You name it and it’s on a weight loss infomercial. In fact, weight loss programs (separate from fitness programs and equipment, which may result in weight loss but are sold as ways to improve your appearance) account for more than 50% of all revenue generated in today’s infomercials.

One of the most successful weight loss infomercials ever produced featured a product called Bio Slim. Created by Doctor Josh Leightberg, Bio Slim was a science-driven, medically sound program consisting of several herbal pills which when combined with a diet plan also created by Dr. Leightberg resulted in a changed metabolism, an improved digestive system and a stronger anti-immune system, all of which ultimately led to a steady, healthy weight loss. Following the success of Bio Slim, a steady stream of niche players, knockoff artists and entrepreneurs took to the airways with their twist, their hook, their product designed to produce quicker, easier results. One of them was the well known and extremely successful Fen-Phen diet, which was a combination of two herbs known to doctors and other professionals in the industry as herbal speed. While still legal at the time, the pills killed the appetite completely, created a euphoric state in the user and led to many problems including heart attacks which led the FDA to ban the main substances from use in the USA.

Weight loss infomercials are so powerful and so successful that you have to be careful which products you choose to use. As with anything else in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There really is no magic pill or substance that is going to let you sit on the couch and eat huge quantities of bad foods and make you lose weight without paying some kind of terrible price. I mention Bio Slim as an example of a stellar product designed by a professional doctor whose goal was to improve people’s lives and make money. You could call a number given out to anybody who ordered Bio Slim and speak directly with Dr. Leightberg if you had questions or concerns about his product. That should tell you something about the man and the product he’s putting his name on.

Another thing to look out for in weight loss infomercials are the add-ons. Popular diets like the Atkins diet which were not sold on infomercials, but became successful through book sales, interviews and word of mouth led to the creation of a whole host of products you didn’t need that were designed to help you stay on or perform better while on the Atkins plan. Low carb foods and low/no carb candy imitations, sometimes ten times more expensive than their higher carb counterparts, flooded the airwaves. Pills designed to reduce the difficulties associated with the Atkins diet surfaced in infomercials. These items are usually designed by less than professional individuals looking to cash in on a craze they had nothing to do with in the first place.

Infomercials, Infomercials History, Infomercials and Direct Response, Exercise Infomercials

A Journey to Begin Losing Pounds

Usually we all seek to lose weight as fast and easy as possible, and in top of that we want results right away. And if we don’t get them, we just quit and move along.

A Journey to Begin Losing Pounds

Usually we all seek to lose weight as fast and easy as possible, and in top of that we want results right away. And if we don’t get them, we just quit and move along.

Frequently we become objective (to lose 1 kilo every week) and if in one week it lowers solely half kilo or what is worse, nothing happens, I get frustrated and that can lead me to no longer continue with the plan I set and then I just quit it.
Even there are times the people unconsciously set goals that are too hard to obtain so that I can leave it quickly, nobody (and I include myself) wants to follow a diet!!!

We make it because it is healthy but when we choose what it tastes better.

Does anybody likes lettuce?

If you want to follow your plan you need to set reasonable and reachable goals. A study stated that when people lower 500g per week, those people maintain long term descent.

It is the best objective that we can intend, to lower 500g for week and knowledge that some week won't lose weight. If you want to lower quick we can also help you, of course, but I have to be conscious that in some moment losing weight rate won’t be the one as desired. And I don't want to frustrate myself for that reason, the following week I will achieve the results.

The body is not something that reacts mathematically, the weight it depends on many factors, as the retention of liquids, the intestinal evacuation, the time in which weigh myself, that ingested the previous night, if I ingested pizza or another very salted food I will surely retain liquids, the same as if I began with an intense activity the previous day.

Another cause of failure in a diet is to be very strict with what you have to eat.

If I go to a party and I don't eat anything, or same at home if I am extremely strict it is very difficult to be able to maintain the plan and in the first time that comes out, you will think “I cannot make diet" or "this is not for me", frustrating me once again, abandoning and feeling badly.

These 2 forms of thinking "if I don't lower 1 kilo per week every week I’m not doing anything good at all" or "I can’t make the diet because I ate an ice cream." are forms in that consciously or unconsciously plot us the diet to ourselves.

In fact I don't want to make diet. Let us accept it!

 Nobody wants to make it, but they want to lose weight. Unfortunately these 2 factors are really hard to join them together and make it work|Regrettably the 2 things join are not able to work together}.

Perhaps it is time that you start making choices, and make decisions in order to choose which path you want to go. By just choosing to remain healthy, you will get results.

weight loss, fitness, hot models, models

A Healthy Diet Check Up...From The Neck Up

If you have tried every so-called healthy diet plan on the planet and every exercise program from the latest fitness guru and repeatedly failed to achieve your weight loss goals, you probably need a “healthy diet check up...from the neck up.”

A Healthy Diet Check Up...From The Neck Up

If you have tried every so-called healthy diet plan on the planet and every exercise program from the latest fitness guru and repeatedly failed to achieve your weight loss goals, you probably need a “healthy diet check up...from the neck up.”

There's no such thing as a healthy, fast, weight loss diet plan. Successful weight loss doesn’t just happen. It took more than a few days to reach the point where you are at right now. Give yourself a break and expect it to take awhile before you see measurable results. Take a leap of faith and follow some basic principles in your diet plan.

Begin with your “self talk.” This is the conversation that runs through your brain continuously. What kind of conversation do you have with your self talk? What type of negative self talk has kept you from reaching your weight loss goals in the past?

If you had a chance to do it over again, would you change the dialogue? That’s a no-brainer isn’t it? Well, the good news is that you can turn the tide of negative self talk beginning right now. It’s never too late to begin and you start by reprogramming your self talk and beginning a whole new weight loss diet plan.

A good starting point is to begin with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations, spoken aloud with authority and belief, positively affect your attitude, focuses your thinking and lead to a course of action that will help you become the person you want to be and have the things that you want to have.

Begin by writing your weight loss affirmations on paper. You can begin with something like, “I want to lose 25 pounds before Christmas.” That’s a worthy goal and attainable, but we need to put some work into structuring the affirmation.

First of all, “I want” gives the impression that what you desire is always in the future. In order to re-program your self talk, you need to trick your mind into believing that you have already achieved weight loss success. This is how your subconscious mind functions.

Your subconscious mind has no capacity for understanding the concept of time. Everything is in the moment. . .here and now. When you tell your subconscious mind that you “want”, that is exactly what you will get. . .want. . .without ever achieving fulfillment. Unless you change your mental tape recorder, you will achieve exactly what you are telling your subconscious, that you “want to lose 25 pounds.” You will “want to lose 25 pounds” for the rest of your days unless you change your self talk.

If your weight is 150 pounds and you desire is to weight 125 pounds, then you need to “be” 125 pounds from the moment you make the decision to change your self talk. What if you write your affirmation to read something like this: “I am healthy and fit, weighing 125 pounds.”

It is extremely important that your affirmation is crystal clear because what you affirm is exactly what your subconscious mind will bring you.

You needn’t limit yourself to one affirmation either. Write another one that reflects your new exercise program. “I enjoy my healthy new diet plan,” or, “I love the healthy foods I eat.”

Write and rewrite until you are absolutely certain that you have written your weight loss goals “in the here and now” AND represent precisely what you desire. Only then do you begin to speak it aloud and do so several times a day.

Remember to use the present tense. “I acknowledge achievement in all my weight loss goals.” “I have the skill and talent to exercise every day.” “I am a winner.” “I am grateful for all of my accomplishments no matter how small.”

At first you will feel awkward and uncomfortable and you may not feel or believe what you are saying. It doesn’t matter, continue to speak them aloud with as much conviction as you can muster. It’s taken a long time to train your subconscious to use negative self talk. If you will persevere with speaking your affirmations aloud, firmly and confidently, you will be amazed at how quickly you can turn your thoughts around.

You didn’t hop on a bicycle the first time and just take off down the street. It took practice to train your body to balance on those two wheels. This will take some practice as well. Continue to repeat your affirmations aloud, several times a day for the next 30 days and you will be amazed at how much you change your thinking and attitude.

Above all, take action. Do nothing and nothing gets done. Do something and many things are placed in motion.

Regardless of what you are doing in life, you need to take action. Do something every day to put your plan into motion.

diet plan,healthy diet,weightloss

A Fitness Routine for Six Pak Abs

The goal of six pack abs mainly depends upon losing weight by completing exercises that focus on the muscles in the abdominal area. There are literally dozens of such exercises including many that are meant for other major muscle groups, but that can be modified to include a workout for your abdominal muscles. Here are just a few of the major abdominal emphasis exercises.

A Fitness Routine for Six Pak Abs

The goal of six pack abs mainly depends upon losing weight by completing exercises that focus on the muscles in the abdominal area. There are literally dozens of such exercises including many that are meant for other major muscle groups, but that can be modified to include a workout for your abdominal muscles. Here are just a few of the major abdominal emphasis exercises.

Crunches are done by lying on the floor either on a mat or not, with your arms crossed in front of your chest. Many people do crunches with the hands behind the head, but this can create lower back problems because of the pull on the head and neck. A slightly different position has the finger tips placed behind the ears, rather than crossed on the chest. It is important not to pull on the neck or on the ears for assistance in rising off the floor. Instead, suck the abdomen back toward the spine and inhale through the nose at the same time. Raise the shoulders toward the knees using only the muscles in the abdomen. The entire back should not be lifted from the floor, as this is likely to create back strain. No additional benefit to the abdomen is gained by raising the entire torso. The key part of the crunch is the initial flexing of the abdominal muscles as the shoulders are lifted off the floor. As the shoulders clear the floor, exhale through your mouth. Complete the exhalation with a gasp to expel the last of the air from the lungs as your shoulders stay clear of the floor. Lower the shoulders back to the point where the shoulder blade touches the ground while inhaling. It is important to maintain the proper breathing control and muscle flexing to get maximum benefit from crunches.


Once again start in a position on the floor with your feet flat and your knees bent. The fingers should be placed behind the ears, or you can cross your arms on your chest. Slowly raise the entire back off the floor while inhaling deeply and exhale as you reverse the move. This exercise can be made more challenging in several ways. For instance, you can do sit ups from an incline with your head lower than your lower body. You can then add weights on the chest to lift while you are sitting up. Weights can become heavier on an incline bench. The next difficult step can be attained by holding the feet off the ground while doing sit ups or making a bicycle peddling motion while doing sit ups with your legs. These exercises may not be easy, but are very beneficial to the abdominal area.


Leg lifts begin with the legs straight and the hands at your sides while lying on the floor. Lift both legs up at the same time without bending the knees until the legs are at a ninety degree angle or a close as possible. Not everyone is flexible enough to reach the ninety degree angle. Lower the legs as close as possible to the floor without actually touching and repeat several times. Increase the challenge of this exercise by adding weights to the legs while lifting them. Another challenging exercise for improving definition and musculature in the abdomen is to hang from a pull up bar while lifting both legs to a ninety-degree position. As with most other exercises, try to stay conscious of breathing while slowly doing the routines.


This exercise begins by lying flat on the floor with the hands at your sides in order to provide better balance. At the same time you raise your knees, bring your torso up slowly till the face and knees meet. Return slowly to the original position while in full control of the movement. The jackknife name comes from the natural tendency of the legs to bend at the knee with the feet dropping to the hips presenting the shape of a jackknife. The difficulty level of this position can be increased by holding a weight between the feet while performing the sit ups.


This exercise begins with you on your back on the floor with the arms extended over your head. Bring both legs and torso up at the same time without bending the knees or the arms. Keep the pace slow and steady and reach for your feet with your extended hands at the top of the arc. If possible, try to touch your feet, but this move can be tricky until your level of flexibility increases. As with other exercises, adding weight between the feet increases the difficulty level.

diet, fitness, men's fitness, women's fitness, fitness tips, workout, weightlifting, running, abs, six-pack abs

A Few Simple Tips To Lose Weight

Some people may recommend eating less to lose weight, and in some cases eating less is a key component of losing weight, but in most cases, eating is a necessity if one wishes to lower their own weight.

A Few Simple Tips To Lose Weight

Weight loss is a tough result to obtain regardless of weight or level of physical fitness. There are many different ways to lose weight, some more unhealthy than others, but the ones that work are most times the most complicated to pull off.

Some people may recommend eating less to lose weight, and in some cases eating less is a key component of losing weight, but in most cases, eating is a necessity if one wishes to lower their own weight. Without food and the calories they supply, your body has no energy to burn and in turn will turn your existing muscle into fat. In order to lose weight you must make a commitment, a commitment that must not be broken if you desire results.

Do not misconstrue this for the idea that you can never indulge during your diet, but just be sure that you have set reasonable limits for yourself that you are ready to commit to. If you are on a strict diet, a "cheat" meal here and there will go a long way to keeping you happy.

To be successful in achieving your goal of weight loss: set multiple, smaller, more easily attainable goals for yourself. These will keep you self motivated and more likely to obtaining your overall goal of a happier and healthier life.

fat, weight loss, diet, tips

A Dieter's Miracle Molecule-P57

Hoodia Gordonii is heralded as the world's greatest weight loss product. The truth is the Hoodia Gordonii plant has very little to do with it. The appetite suppressing qualities that Hoodia seems to possess, are derived from one molecule

A Dieter's Miracle Molecule-P57

Hoodia Gordonii is heralded as the world's greatest weight loss product. The truth is the Hoodia Gordonii plant has very little to do with it. The appetite suppressing qualities that Hoodia seems to possess, are derived from one molecule that is found in the plant. This molecule is known as P57.

P57 was not discovered until the Hoodia Gordonii plant was being studied by a British company, This company, PhytoPharm has never published all the details of this study. A few bits and pieces have been released, but it is a pretty safe bet that the findings were quite promising. I base this on the fact that British health food giant Unilever Inc.(makers of SlimFast) entered into a contract with PhytoPharm to develop Hoodia Gordonii as a diet supplement. To date, Unilever has spent 21 million on research and development of Hoodia Gordonii products.

Prescription pharmaceutical companies have also taken notice of P57, several are rumored to be attempting to develop a synthetic form of P57. If this is successful a new prescription product would be produced and sold at much higher profit margins. This research is also reportedly running into the millions of dollars.

One thing is certain, there is no shortage of people who are claiming that the product is indeed miraculous. Many of the users claim to have lost almost all appetite urges, this in turn gives the power to control their eating habits.

hoodia Gordonii, weight loss, diet pills

177 Ways To Lose Weight And Burn Calories

 The world is over-saturated with temptation. With a McDonalds or Burger King on every corner, how is one supposed to keep the weight off? And now that technology has become so advanced, we're starting to have less and less opportunity for physical activity. What is one to do? Stop eating? Work out three times a day! NO!!! There is something you can do about it, however. Are you ready? Here it comes... What you need are...

177 Ways To Lose Weight And Burn Calories

It is possible to leave as much as necessary from a problem of weight, to consider as its cosmetic defect, to justify features of an organism, to hide behind jokes like: " the good person should be much ", from it adiposity will not cease to be the hardest disease tending all to greater distribution.
This illness can comprehend even not the people not predisposed to them - influence of a modern civilization of consumption on all and everyone is too great. Adiposity poisons and considerably shortens a life of many and many people. For effective struggle against excess weight, first of all, it is necessary to understand precisely, that it is illness which it is necessary to treat. It is necessary to recognize existence of a problem, to cease to hesitate and or on the contrary to defy the greater sizes.

Table of contents:

101 Everyday Tips For Losing 10 Pounds
177 Ways To Lose Weight And Burn Calories
Amazing Weight Loss & Health Tips
How To Burn Calories
NLP Diet
Interview With A Weight Loss Expert
Low Carb Diet Guide
Need To Lose 10 Pounds Quick
The G.i.south Beach Diet


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30-Minute Weight Loss Exercise Proves Most Effective

30-Minute Weight Loss Exercise Proves Most Effective
Ten minutes of daily exercise is admirable because it’s far better than zero minutes of productive energy expenditure. However, exercise physiology and weight loss science point to 30 minutes per day, at least three times per week, as part of your best body fat improvement scenario.

The bottom line is, essentially all experts agree that extended, low-to-moderate-intensity physical activity is yet the most significant and flexible factor in energy expenditure for losing weight.


If you're “averagely overweight,” that is, not doctor-diagnosed with extreme obesity, or if you just want to feel better by losing or shedding a few pounds, there’s good news for you – from ACCREDITED, reliable, trusted experts who also care about your well-being.

Truth: Ten minutes of daily exercise is admirable because it’s far better than zero minutes of productive energy expenditure. However, exercise physiology and weight loss science point to 30 minutes per day, at least three times per week, as part of your best body fat improvement scenario.

Why Does 30 Minutes Prove So Beneficial, And What’s The Other Part of An Effective Weight Loss Scenario?

Your body has only three possible energy systems. Two of them are oxygen-INDEPENDENT. Yet, in order to metabolize fat, your body demands that oxygen be present. Long-story-short: brief, especially “quick” exercise bouts look for quick energy sources. These reside in blood and in muscle. It takes more than a few minutes to significantly tap into your fat stores, and especially, to burn enough of it for a long enough time to lose some substantial body weight.

This is almost the exact opposite of muscle tissue, where you can see and feel virtually immediate results. Burning fat requires patience. You simply have to allow yourself TIME to let exercise effects occur.

Reach Your Aerobic Threshold

Generally, exercise begins with a warm-up phase, at least 1-3 minutes. Provided your intensity remains within your target heart rate training zone, (about 120 heart beats per minute – an estimated average for most non health-impaired adults) you’ll spend the next 7-10 minutes reaching your aerobic threshold. Staying near-to, but right below the point where your muscles burn (from a too-highly-intense performance causing lactic acid build-up) will bring you to a virtually perfect “fat-burn.” Yet, THIS very special meeting only occurs at medium-to-low intensities, which takes longer periods of time.

Lipids (a simplified word for “non-water-soluble-fats” within your system) have to move from the outside of a cell, through the cytosol, mix with pyruvate, plus oxygen… then proceed to your “furnace” (mitochondria). This is where you break fat down into your “rewarding and much-wanted” by-products – energy (the work you’ve achieved); H2O (sweat); and carbon dioxide (a lot of continuous “exhaling”).

So, if you quit at the 10-minute mark, you deny yourself approximately an additional 10 calories or more per minute of weight lost, primarily from fat stores. Stopping this process at 10 minutes is much like going all the way to the door of your favorite party but never stepping inside…for the “real” action.

Reasons Why You Should Work Out More Than Ten Minutes

With all of that said, there’s an even more monumentally powerful yet scientific reason why you should work out for more than only ten minutes. In fact, at least 30-minute exercise sessions prove most beneficial for effective weight loss and improved endurance. You’ll get three fundamental benefits from this:

First, you preserve your LEAN body mass (which you need because it burns fat far better than fat can burn itself).

Second, you get to expend MAXIMUM calories (the true key to losing weight – maximizing caloric expenditure, which is a time-consuming venture).

Third, your extended physical activity makes you change the way your body USES food internally or metabolically (for example, getting three-fold increase in calories expended, compared to person remaining sedentary.).

To Summarize, Experts Now Agree

The bottom line is that essentially all experts in diabetic science, obesity control, dietetics & nutrition, exercise science & personal training, and exercise physiology agree that extended, low-to-moderate-intensity physical activity is yet the most significant and flexible factor in energy expenditure for losing weight.

Mix that with practicality, reasonability, and utilize the following tip: Base your safe, effective weight loss goals around the fundamental principle that you need to alter your energy balance in the NEGATIVE direction by expending about 500 calories per day from smartly manipulating both EXERCISE AND DIET. You’ll find that it's barely even possible to accomplish this feat by altering food alone. With exercise, however, you can obtain your weight loss objectives much more comfortably and conveniently, plus safely, too, for results that are long-lasting and health enhancing.

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