Acomplia - ready to combat smoking and obesity

As people all over the world are engulfed in the epidemic of the chronic disease obesity, we also cannot shrink our thoughts away from the life-threatening influence of smoking.

Acomplia - ready to combat smoking and obesity

As people all over the world are engulfed in the epidemic of the chronic disease obesity, we also cannot shrink our thoughts away from the life-threatening influence of smoking.  And if traits of obesity and smoking go hand-in-hand very little can be done for the treatment of such an individual. There have been quite a number of diet pills flourishing the markets for the past few years but now for the first time a diet pill is to be launched which is to have an additional function as an antismoking drug other than weight loss.

An experimental pill that offers the fairy-tale promise of helping people lose weight and quit smoking has already created a stir in this world with a large chunk of its population fighting the two vices. The diet pill has been the brain-child of French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis and will be marketed as the brand name Acomplia. The main component of Acomplia diet pill is Rimonabant. It works by blocking CB1 receptor, one of two receptors found in a newly described physiological system called the Endocannabinoid System (EC System), believed to play a critical role in the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. These receptors are present not only in the hypothalamus region of the brain, but also throughout the body, notably in fat cells-- which are involved in lipid and glucose metabolism. They work by reducing dependence on tobacco, suppressing appetite and restoring the balance in the system. Since many smokers have a tendency for obesity, Acomplia diet drug could serve both the purposes.

Some analysts have also started considering Acomplia Rimonabant as a heart drug. Its medicinal implications on major cardiovascular risk factors – smoking and obesity can be considered a major medical advance for patients at risk of heart disease. It is the first anti smoking diet pill aimed at blocking the CB1 receptors of the brain commonly called the ‘pleasure centre’ of the brain and interfering with the cycle of craving and satisfaction thus making hunger or cigarette pangs more manageable.

Tendency to regain weight quickly has been seen in people once they stop taking the weight loss drugs. That is why the clinical trials for the Rimonabant drug have been going on since the year 2002 and are still in progression to make sure the guarantee of trust it will subject on its users because, only longer-term studies can determine whether the preliminary results of Acomplia trials will translate into lasting weight loss. People prone to obesity and smoking addiction have been waiting for the first anti-smoking weight loss drug to arrive in the market and their fanatic search for online Acomplia reports are enough proof of the inherent faith this diet pill has bestowed on people all over the world.

acomplia diet pills

Abdominal Weight Loss: Yoga can help you lose the gut.

Abdominal weight loss remains the goal of many people; however most people might not be aware of just how effective some yoga poses could be for this purpose and the added benefit of detoxification. Find out how today.

Abdominal Weight Loss: Yoga can help you lose the gut.

Whenever anyone says or gestures that they want to lose weight, most of the time, they point to their guts saying “I wanna lose all this!” Obviously, abdominal weight loss is a goal for many people.

However, what most people might not be aware of is that-of all exercises-Yoga actually can help immensely for weight loss in the abdominal region. There are specific poses, that target excess weight in the abdomen and coupled with a customized diet, those seeking abdominal weight loss would find success in using these yoga exercises.

Let’s go over them, shall we?

Abdominal Weight Loss: Yoga Poses to Use.

1. The Sun Salutations: These are a combination of poses that serve as a warm up-routine for a Yoga session or class. They are very similar to the popular calisthenics exercise known as burpees. However, they differ in that they have a spiritual significance included as a result of executing them. Due to the forward and backward bending motions involved, after performing a few to several rounds on a daily basis, you are bound to notice a marked loss of weight in you abdominal area and the added bonus of muscular tone.

2. The Bow Pose: This simple pose involves laying flat on your belly and grabbing your ankles with both arms while simultaneously lifting your head up high. When performed correctly, you should be resting on your abdomen. Needless to say, it is a pose commonly recommended for weight loss and the prevention and correction of chronic constipation.

3. The Peacock Pose: This is slightly more challenging. The objective is to balance your abdomen on your conjoined elbows while simultaneously raising your legs and head of the floor. Naturally, merely attempting it speeds up abdominal weight loss and detoxification of the visceral organs and the preparatory stage could suffice as the actual execution of the pose till the mastery of it is achieved.

4. The Abdominal Lift: This is not a pose, per-se but is a specific exercise that involves you exhaling your breath and pulling the diaphragm in while holding the breath out. This is a specific abdominal exercise for weight loss, spiritual rejuvenation and detoxification.

Now friends, there are other poses such as the shoulder-stand, the forward-bending pose, the spinal twist and the wheel pose that also target increase in muscular tone and weight loss in the abdominal regions, however from practice the 4 above will perhaps be the most effective.

Do note though that if you are female and pregnant or in your menstrual period, some of these poses might not be the best to execute.

Moreover, since these poses-besides helping with abdominal weight loss-aid tremendously with detoxifying, it is advised that one eats a proper and healthy diet to augment the actions of these poses.

Other fantastic exercises for abdominal weight loss include your intense Aerobics, the use of the ab-wheel, basic sit-ups, windmills etc.

So empower yourself with these tips and information to achieve your goal for weight loss.
Lose that gut starting today.

Abdominal Weight Loss

Abdominal Exercise And Weight Loss

Abdominal Exercise

When most people start on a weight-loss regime the first thing they wish to attack is their waistline. They start off with visions of turning a beer gut into an abdominal six-pack. After a few weeks of strenuous exercise nothing appears to happen and soon they lose confidence and give up.

This article is designed to explain, in laymen's terms, why this happens and why you may be using the wrong exercises, or possibly the right exercises at the wrong t...

Abdominal Exercise And Weight Loss

Abdominal Exercise

When most people start on a weight-loss regime the first thing they wish to attack is their waistline. They start off with visions of turning a beer gut into an abdominal six-pack. After a few weeks of strenuous exercise nothing appears to happen and soon they lose confidence and give up.

This article is designed to explain, in laymen's terms, why this happens and why you may be using the wrong exercises, or possibly the right exercises at the wrong time. Either way you are doing yourself no favors.

Never give up because only losers quit. We've all heard the old saying: "The height of stupidity is to repeat the same thing and expect a different result." If it isn't working you try a different routine and you keep doing that until you find the routine that does work, that is the way of winners.

Why These Exercises do not Reduce Waist

The first thing you must accept is that all abdominal exercises only strengthen abdominal muscles, if those muscles are covered by a layer of fat when you start they will still be covered by the same layer of fat when you finish. You will have stronger abdominal muscles but you will not look any different. Therefore your attempt to create figure from fat will have failed. The secret to making these abdominal exercises work is to lose fat first. You lose fat by diet and aerobic exercise, by burning more calories than you take in with food. When you have reduced your waistline to a more natural size you can then take up abdominal exercises and start working on that perfect six-pack.

Weight Loss

In a nutshell you need to reduce your calorie intake and burn some calories off by using light exercise. Losing weight can only be achieved by eating less and moving more. Forget the complicated scientific formulae, it all boils down to eating less and moving more.

Exercise Wisdom

Conventional wisdom claims that you need to exercise for 30-minutes each day and that this demand can be broken down to six five minute sessions or three ten minute sessions, whichever suits you best. You can carry out aerobic exercise using simple methods like parking your car as far from the store as possible and forcing yourself to walk further. Maybe walking up the stairs instead of using the escalator, any small act of this nature that adds to your normal exercise output is aerobic exercise and burns calories.

Eating habits

Furthermore it makes sense to eat five or six meals each day rather than two or three. Why? Because you will eat smaller meals and it is better for your metabolism to deal with smaller meals rather than large meals. You can also eat between these meals providing you restrict it to a piece of fruit or a raw carrot. Dieting doesn't have to be hard it has to be sensible.
Your brain doesn't get the message that your stomach is full for at least twenty minutes after it is full. How often have you eaten way beyond the capacity that is required simply because the message hasn't got through?


There is no point in attempting abdominal exercises while you still have a layer of fat and expecting a figure improvement. Muscle building and weight loss are separate subjects that should be approached individually if you are to get the best results.

This article is (c) Copyright David McCarthy 2005 and may be reproduced in its entirety with no additions.

abdominal exercise, weight loss, weight control, fitness

A Wonder Pill To Surmount Over Obesity - Phentermine

Phentermine- a weight reducing drug acts as an appetite suppressant that is helpful for obese people to reduce weight within a short span of time. It stimulates the nervous system increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, thus reducing your hunger. Read the article to learn more about Phentermine.

A Wonder Pill To Surmount Over Obesity - Phentermine

We all crave for a perfect and healthy body. Losing weight is like a dream come true for obese people. I too was flabby earlier. My bulkiness always landed me up in a thwarting state. The fear of facing embarrassment stopped me from socializing with friends and attending parties. As a result I lost my self-confidence and my individual personality was shattered. I was over-whelmed with joy when a friend introduced me to a weight reducing drug. I tried it and the results were marvelous. Thanks to Phentermine!

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. If you have a body that is hale and hearty, you will definitely have a positive attitude towards life. You will always be well groomed with an influential personality. Nowadays, as more and more people are becoming health conscious, the field of medical science has emerged with various ways to overcome obesity. Phantermine- a weight reducing drug is an apt solution to your excessive body weight.

Phentermine is a sympathomimetic amine, similar to amphetamine. It is also known as an anorectic or anorexigenic drug. It acts as an appetite suppressant that is helpful for obese people to reduce weight within a short span of time. It stimulates the nervous system increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, thus reducing your hunger.

The weight reducing drug- Phentermine should be used for a short period say for a few weeks. It should be consumed as a part of physician-guided weight loss program including a low fat diet and regular exercises.

Phentermine is available in different colors in the form of capsules and tablets as well. The pharmacist normally keeps the medicine in three strengths- 15mg, 30mg and 37.5 mg. Let your doctor decide which one is right for you depending upon your weight, height and other health problems.

It is important to take phentermine under the supervision of a medical practitioner only. The medicine should be consumed in correct quantity exactly as directed by your physician.

•     Phentermine should be stored at room temperature away from heat and moisture.
•     Phentermine is usually taken on empty stomach once or twice in a day.
•     It is necessary to take the medicine with a full glass of water.
•     Avoid taking a dose in the evening as it may cause insomnia.
•     Do not crush or chew the capsule. Swallow it whole.
•     If you skip a dose never try taking a double.

One may not be able to take phentermine if you have any of the following problems:

o     High blood-pressure
o     Heart disease
o     Arteriosclerosis
o     Glaucoma
o     History of drug or alcohol abuse

Nursing mothers should consult their doctor before taking phentermine, as it can pass into breast milk and can affect your new-born baby.

Cautions have to be taken at the time of driving or operating machinery. There are chances of phentermine causing dizziness, restlessness or blurred vision. If any of these effects are experienced by you avoid performing hazardous activities.

Phentermine works as a wonder pill to surmount over obesity.

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A Winning CAUSE. Kirstie Alley Shares Her Mantra For Weight Loss Success

In her role as Jenny Craig's star client, Kirstie Alley inspires and encourages men and women across the country to increase their health, energy and self-confidence by decreasing their weight.

A Winning CAUSE. Kirstie Alley Shares Her Mantra For Weight Loss Success

In her role as Jenny Craig's star client, Kirstie Alley inspires and encourages men and women across the country to increase their health, energy and self-confidence by decreasing their weight.

"As soon as I saw Kirstie's first television commercial, I felt like she was speaking right to me," said Annette Blake of Kingston, N.Y., who joined Jenny Craig in January and has since lost 56 pounds*. "I decided to be her 'I'm fat, too' sidekick and lose weight right along with her. And so far, I am!"

Like Annette, Kirstie is more than 60 pounds* slimmer and has less than 20 pounds to go to reach her desired weight. The award-winning actress and mother of two attributes her success not only to the program and her consultants, but also to the following acronym that helped "steer her ship" along her weight loss journey.

"I think the biggest accomplishment anyone can achieve is to be the cause of something, rather than the effect," said Alley at a recent gathering of fans and friends in New York City. "A cause makes something happen-ideally, a positive outcome, such as losing weight, finding someone amazing or getting a new job. It puts you in a position of control and confidence, rather than reaction and reluctance."

 Change-I first had to alter a few perceptions: one, that being fat is just something that comes with age, and two, that losing weight involves suffering, deprivation and working out for 30 to 40 hours a week. Once I changed my mindset, I was ready to take a leap of faith.

 Attitude-For a while, I had this less-than-fantastic attitude that it was okay to be 70 pounds overweight because the man of my dreams would love me for me and wouldn't care if I was fat. Although this could be true…I finally realized that this was not about someone else's view of me-but my view of myself-and that only I could make me happy.

 Understanding-We all have unique talents and attributes. Most of them are good; those that are not, we have the ability to change. Realizing that the positives outweigh the negatives helped me appreciate what is unique about me and also helped me identify areas for personal enhancement.

 Signified Spirituality-This has meant the strengthening of my faith and an increased connection to the people who mean the most to me. I can apply my religious beliefs to enhance myself and my body, help my children and friends, and improve my artistic endeavors.

 Enthusiasm-I now have an abundant amount of endless energy and boundless enthusiasm. I jump on the trampoline with my children, I run and play with them, and my happiness and zest for living permeate their lives as well.

A Winning CAUSE. Kirstie Alley Shares Her Mantra For Weight Loss Success

A Whole Body Approach To Fat Loss

Utilize a full body approach to fat loss and accelerate your results!

A Whole Body Approach To Fat Loss

What’s the Secret to losing bodyfat and keeping it off?

Ask 100 different fitness experts this question, and you’ll probably get 80 or more different answers.  That’s one reason why fitness and fat loss gets so darn confusing-everybody seems to have “the answer.”

You’ve got 101 different theories about how to induce fat loss including super-slow training, heart rate training, circuit training, Pilates, yoga principles, high-rep weight training, and aerobics.

When it comes to nutrition, there are even more fad diets than exercise theories.  The Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, Eat 4 Your Blood Type, Low Fat, Low Carb, Low Calorie, The Zone…even Dr. Phil has a diet book.

Well, I’m going to simplify things for you. Work the whole body each session!  No tricky split routines, no bodypart training…just training the body the way it was intended to function, as a whole.

Human movement, stabilization, balance and strength are the results of a whole body approach to strength training.  Until recently, the fitness industry had forgotten how to incorporate the entire body in exercise programming.

The human body has over 600 muscles, all intended to work as one complete and complimentary system. Traditional exercise programs have neglected the majority of these muscles by training in a one-dimensional environment. This type of training handicaps the body from performing the way it is designed to function.

Training in a fixed plane environment leads to isolated results, muscle imbalance, and injury.  In contrast, the whole body approach to resistance training prepares participants of any fitness level to achieve great improvements in body composition and function better in daily life as well.  The three-dimensional environment of training movements, not individual muscles, enables the body to become efficient in both static and dynamic environments.  Participants achieve balanced, long lasting, effective results.

This method is fun because it is a whole body approach.  The same movement patterns that we used as children (pushing, pulling, twisting, lunging, squatting, stepping and balance in multiple planes) are the core of your approach to fat loss.  From beginners to the most advanced exercise fanatic, this approach to fat loss and fitness will provide fun and effective workouts and lasting results.

Full body training is an extremely effective way to loose weight as involves dynamic, whole body movement that increase caloric expenditure.  Training movements instead of individual muscles can also help change body composition by increasing muscle mass, increasing growth hormone output, raising metabolism, maximizing caloric output, and ultimately decreasing body fat.

Now, regardless of how great your workout is, food intake is the key factor that will either make you or brake you as far as fat loss goes.  The only way that the human body drops body fat is by being in what is called a calorie deficit.  This brings us back to LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. Remember, I’ll say it one more time...this law states that if you eat more calories in a day than you burn you will gain fat, if you burn more calories in a day than you eat you will lose fat, and if you eat the same amount of calories in a day as you burn you will remain constant.  This is a law!!!!  It is as true as the law of gravity and it is how the body works.  Knowing this, it is simple.  If you want to lose fat you need to adjust you daily calorie intake so that you are into a calorie deficit.  You need to get your calorie count low enough to begin fat loss, but at the same time keeping it high enough to remain healthy.  The second step to optimizing you food intake is by spreading your food out evenly throughout the day.  Ideally, you want to be on a five meal per day plan.  By spreading your calories evenly through five small meals your metabolism works its best for you.  When you constantly give your body food with small meals your body does not feel the need to store fat.  On the contrary when eating large, infrequent meals your body feels the need to store some food as fat for it is unsure as to when it will be fed again.  Get on a scheduled meal plan that your body will respond to.  Five meals a day, approximately three hours apart works great.  A healthy start point for you protein, carbohydrate, and fat ratio’s is 25% of you food coming from protein, 60% of your food coming from carbohydrate, and 15% of your food intake coming from fats.

Now, I’m going to give you an industry secret.  A lot of personal trainers out there are gonna be upset with me for it is too valuable to give away, but I’m going do it any way.  If you want to lose fat and you are unsure of how many calories you are supposed to eat and are not in a position to hire professional assistance, barring any medical conditions, a simple formula to follow is this.  Take your body weight and add a zero on the end.  Use that as your general guideline, split the number evenly among five meals per day and your body should be in a calorie deficit.  For example if you weigh 180lbs., add a zero, your now at 1800 calories.  Divide that over five meals per day, your eating 360 calories per meal.  Keeping each meal balanced approximately 60% carbs, 25% proteins, 15% fat, you are eating in a healthy way to lose weight.  It works!!  Note, if you have any medical conditions always consult with your physician first. How quickly will you see results?  Although results will vary with each individual, full body training coupled with a proper nutrition program will help you achieve greater results than most other programs in less time. 
The results can come quicker and be longer lasting.

fat loss, exercise

A Weighty Issue: Does Soda Promote Weight Gain?

As childhood obesity continues to increase, researchers are looking at a link between what kids drink and their expanding waistlines.

A Weighty Issue: Does Soda Promote Weight Gain?

As childhood obesity continues to increase, researchers are looking at a link between what kids drink and their expanding waistlines.

While experts stop short of laying the blame completely at the feet of soda makers, most acknowledge that people in general, and kids specifically, consume too many soft drinks.

In an effort to curb the problem, some school districts are removing soda machines from school campuses -; and, some say, for good reason. One 12-ounce can of soda has 150 calories; a 20-ounce can has 250 calories.

According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, "Carbonated soft drinks are the single biggest source of calories in the American diet, providing about 7 percent of calories." Non-carbonated drinks (such as fruit juice and iced teas) push that figure to 9 percent.

One study of 548 sixth and seventh-graders in Boston showed that each 12-ounce can of soda consumed increased their risk for becoming overweight by 60 percent, according to an article in the Journal of Pediatrics.

Besides having a high-sugar content - which can contribute to weight gain and promote tooth decay - there is little nutritional value in a can of soda, just empty calories.

So what's a parent to do?

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be the first line of defense. But because what they drink matters just as much as what they eat, one option may be to consider replacing soda with a health beverage like NuVim, which contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, calcium; low amounts of sugar; and no caffeine.

Tested and proven effective in 19 clinical studies for its muscle flexibility and immune-boosting properties, this beverage contains the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, along with B-12, zinc, calcium and essential amino acids.

NuVim comes in a variety of fruit flavors and is located in the refrigerated juice section of your local supermarket.

A Weighty Issue: Does Soda Promote Weight Gain?

A Weight Loss Plan Which Is Fun To Implement

Now I am not sure about you, but I find it so hard to diet and to lose weight. The weight loss programs and diets that I have tried are just so boring. They are also very hard to implement as they are asking me to give up foods which I know that I will not be able to. What we need is a weight loss program which is actually fun to implement.

A Weight Loss Plan Which Is Fun To Implement

Now I am not sure about you, but I find it so hard to diet and to lose weight. The weight loss programs and diets that I have tried are just so boring. They are also very hard to implement as they are asking me to give up foods which I know that I will not be able to. What we need is a weight loss program which is actually fun to implement.

My name is Steve Hill. My own weight problems began when my parents decided to turn vegetarian. I was eleven years of age at the time and basically decided to give it a go as well. My mum cooked the meals you see.

This was twenty-one years ago, at this point there were not many different options of food for people who were vegetarians. I was not at all impressed with the food I was given and missed eating meat in a big way. I would normally be hungry after meals and would then start to eat snack type foods. I only gradually put on more weight and people did not really comment for a couple of years.

As soon as people did notice, it was like a vicious circle. They would taunt me at school, I would come home all depressed and would then comfort eat, to make myself feel better.

A few years ago I went about looking for ways to help me to lose weight. I tried many diets but without success. I have to say it was not that anything was wrong with the actual diet, it was that, that particular diet did not suit me.

I am the type of person who needs to enjoy something to keep my interest in it. This is why I found school a struggle. Well that is my excuse anyway.

The Fun Way To Lose Weight

On a Saturday night a few years ago, I went out for a few beers with a good friend of mine (Dave). We were having a good chat during which I told him about my mission to lose weight. I explained about how as yet, I had not found a suitable weight loss program.

Dave suggested that I should take up a sport, something competitive which I could get my teeth into. I thought about what he had said and agreed that this could be the way to go.

I asked him if he would like a game of tennis three or four times a week. Dave stated that this might be a bit much as he played six a side football twice a week.

He did not want to let me down however, and then asked if I would like to join his six a side team. I will give it a go, I replied.

I came home rather drunk, but also rather pleased with myself. I now had a weight loss plan which I was sure would work. There will be no quick fix, however this amount of exercise, over a sustained period of time, must have a positive affect on my weight, my fitness and my health.

With this program, I am also able to basically eat what I want, when I want.

It did take quite a while as I had predicted, to reach a weight I was happy with. This was not a problem however, as I was having fun on the way.

I continue to play not only tennis and football, but many sports. This is no longer to lose weight but because I enjoy it.

weight loss, lose weight, best diet, diet, lose weight quickly, fat, weight loss program

A Weight Loss Plan For Success

A Weight Loss Plan For Success
The formula for losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. But, it's not really all that simple, is it?

Long-term weight loss isn't impossible, but you do have to be committed. Having a weight loss plan for your success is a good start. Here are ten items that should go into your weight loss plan.

1. Eat breakfast. This keeps you from getting too hungry later and then losing control over what you choose to eat later in the day.

2. Stock your refrigerator an...

The formula for losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. But, it's not really all that simple, is it?

Long-term weight loss isn't impossible, but you do have to be committed. Having a weight loss plan for your success is a good start. Here are ten items that should go into your weight loss plan.

1. Eat breakfast. This keeps you from getting too hungry later and then losing control over what you choose to eat later in the day.

2. Stock your refrigerator and pantry with healthy foods and snacks and limit high-fat, high-salt snacks such as potato chips and cookies.

3. Fill up on Fiber. Eat foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The fibers in these foods will fill you up leaving less room for unhealthy choices.

4. Don't fall into bad habits on weekends. Many people will follow a strict diet on weekends only to fall back into eating more (unhealthy) on the weekends as a reward for "being good" all week. Unfortunately, this can cause you to regain tahe weight you may have lost during the week.

5. Watch portion sizes. Your perception of what a serving size should be and a "true" serving size can differ dramatically. Measuare your portions accurately, especially when you first start your healthy eating regime.

6. Set lifestyle goals - not weight loss goals. Commitment to eating healthy foods does lead to healthy weight loss -- gradually. Looking at your weight daily can cause discouragement and will make many people give up and go back to unhealthy food choices.

7. Take healthy snacks with you when you take road trips. Grab healthy granola bars, bananas, apples and other fruit to prevent the tempation of stopping for a cancy bar or milk shake.

8. Don't deny yourself the foods you love. If you absolutely love chocolate, go ahead and have a small pice - half of a candy bar insteaad of a whole one! And avoid eating your "splurges" every day. Save them for when you really need them!

9. Start moving. Exercise is the key to long term weight loss. You've heard the saying, "Move it or lose it." Too true!

10. Keep a journal. Writing down what you eat, when and how much you exercise and your moods will keep you on track and motivated to continue the course.

Weight loss is achieved by both diet and exercise. It is also achieved by persistence. If you "fall off the wagon" one day, pick yourself up and continue your healthy lifestyle the next.
Don't give up!

weight loss plan,weight loss, weightloss

A Speedy Recovery with SmartLipo

This article is about  the it  laser procedure Smartlipo, advanced technology with minimal invasion, it is a quick treatment which doesn't leave an ugly scar and the results become evident within a week.

A Speedy Recovery with SmartLipo

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 300,000 people in the United States underwent invasive surgery in 2006 to remove fat from within their bodies.  Liposuction is a procedure that is performed on a daily basis in the US, and one that often requires additional surgery to remove excess skin remaining when a bulk of fat is simply removed from the body.  For many people, liposuction can be a traumatic experience. 
Fortunately, technology often holds the key to open doors that lead to improvement, especially in liposuction.  SmartLipo is one exemplary case.  This relatively new procedure is growing rapidly, servicing a steady flow of patients who wish to see firsthand if SmartLipo works as well as reported.  Dubbed by some as a "medical miracle," SmartLipo has made believers out of many clients.  SmartLipo does what it claims, and does so very well.

Traditional Liposuction - invasive and risky

Liposuction has been performed on millions of people in the years following its introduction in 1982.  Although the surgery is performed often, the technique is quite invasive, and the outcome of the fat removal is in the hands of the surgeon, quite literally. 

The cannula, or tube, used in traditional liposuction is between four and six millimeters in diameter and requires an incision that often requires stitches.  After the painful procedure is complete, patients can expect to wear compression bandages for at least six weeks.  Bruising and tissue damage is a common complication with traditional liposuction.

SmartLipo - advanced technology with minimal invasion

SmartLipo is far more advanced than traditional liposuction.  Rather than manually moving the cannula through the area of fat removal, plastic surgeons use a much thinner cannula (one millimeter in diameter), which has a laser affixed to the end.

Also known as laserlipolysis, SmartLipo does not suck the fat cells out of the body.  Instead, the laser is used to melt the fat cells in the area of treatment, and the heat from the laser helps seal off blood vessels to minimize bleeding.  Connective tissue is not bruised or traumatized as it commonly is in traditional liposuction procedures.

Another added effect of undergoing SmartLipo is that collagen is produced by the body as a response to the heat of the laser.  Generally, plastic surgeons inject patients with collagen to add firmness to saggy areas.  As a great side effect, SmartLipo actually helps sculpt the body by firming the skin as fat is removed. This process continues from within the body for approximately three months.

Generally speaking, most patients who undergo SmartLipo treatment are back at work within two days.  As tissue trauma and bleeding is so minimal, compression bandages are only recommended for up to two weeks, simply as a precaution.  The site of the laser's insertion is unnoticeable and requires no stitches.  Compared with traditional liposuction, which can require up to six weeks of bandaging, stitches, and even additional surgeries to remove excess skin, SmartLipo is certainly the fastest, most advanced and effective method to permanently eliminate the body of fat in problem areas.

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A Smart Move for a Smart Look

Phentermine is a breakthrough formula in the field of weight loss. It is a very effective drug and results are really astonishing. It is intended to target those people who suffer from too much weight. It’s affects are fast and safe. Anybody at any age can use Phentermine but only under doctor’s recommendations.
A Smart Move for a Smart Look

Who doesn’t want to look fit and stay healthy? Who doesn’t want to stay slim and look adorable? But sometimes what happens due, to our own mistakes we allow our body bulge like a balloon and one day it may burst. Accumulation of fats is a common phenomenon in human body and one does need a bit of fat in body. But too much of fat may lead to hazard. Your body may become prone to various ailments like heart trouble; diabetes, exhaustion and this in return hamper you physically and mentally as well. So when you feel that you are gaining unnecessary fat it is always better to take the necessary precautions. 
Apart from dieting and heavy exercises, medications can be a very handy procedure to get rid of your unnecessary fats. Oflate a drug call Phentermine is mesmerizing it’s customers with its unique fat burn qualities. Just within a span of 10 to 12 weeks you can find a “new you” in front of the mirror. You will find lot’s of people being benefited from Propecia. Phentermine first got its approval FDA way back in 1959 as an appetite suppressant.

Let us learn how Phentermine works. Phentermine stimulates our hypothalamus gland in our brain affecting certain neurotransmitters which in turn lowers our appetite and manages body metabolisms. It’s an absolute diet medicine and if it is included in your daily nutritious diet routine along with a bit of exercise, the drug can be very productive.

Clinical trails have found some side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, upset stomach or constipation, but have been proved that these are temporary sings and will fade away as the body get adjust to it. However it is always advisable to consult a doctor before using it, for it is only your doctor who can tell you about its usage and effects.

Nowadays, Phentermine can be easily available and can be ordered online. It is a fact that many like you are benefited from this drug significantly. So you can buy it now online.

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A Simple To Follow Weight Loss Program

This article gives free tips and advice about how to lose weight. Dieting does not need to be a choir, however many of the weight loss programs that are available make it this way. During the article, I describe an easy to follow diet or weight loss program which has helped me to reach a weight that I am now happy and feel comfortable with.

A Simple To Follow Weight Loss Program

This article gives free tips and advice about how to lose weight. Dieting does not need to be a choir, however many of the weight loss programs that are available make it this way. During the article, I describe an easy to follow diet or weight loss program which has helped me to reach a weight that I am now happy and feel comfortable with.
My background

My name is Steve Hill and I struggled to keep my weight under control for the first twenty-two years of my life. I was often teased at school and found it very hard to meet girls as I believed that there would be no way, that they would want to date somebody as fat as myself.

I was a very negative person and I frequently felt stressed and depressed. I often felt sorry for myself and would feel envious of other people who seemed fit, healthy and happy. During these periods of depression, I would often comfort eat to make myself feel better. I love food and this would temporarily help. The problem I found was that if I ate food for ten minutes, I would feel a sense of guilt for around two hours.

Like many people who are over-weight, I was not happy this way and often looked into different types of weight loss plan or diets. Maybe it is just me, but they seem so unrealistic and for somebody like myself impossible to follow. I needed a simple, easy to follow weight loss program.

The solution to my weight problem

The first thing I had to do was to be honest with myself. I asked myself a series of questions:

Why are you over-weight?

I do not eat the right types of food and I rarely exercise.

How determined are you to lose weight?

Very determined.

Are you willing for this to be a long term project, or are you looking for a quick fix?

The quicker the better, however I realise that crash diets do not work and end up causing more harm than good.

Do you feel you have enough self-discipline to succeed?

I am not sure but I will have to have, to reach my target weight.

The weight loss plan

These are the things I must do:

Eat three healthy meals a day.

Exercise more. This will be achieved by leaving the car at home more often and by walking to certain places, such as my children's school. I will also take the children to play sports like football and tennis, as often as I can.

Fight the demons in my head who constantly tempt me into eating.

These are the things I must not do:

Snack in between meals.

Eat too many take-aways, I will basically allow myself one a week.

Lie to other people or even myself about what I have eaten.

This sounds so simple and is very easy to follow. I have to admit that it is not that easy to carry off, especially not being able to snack between meals. With determination you can succeed and the sense of happiness and pride you will feel when you reach a weight you are happy with, will make it all worthwhile.

weight loss, lose weight, best diet, diet, lose weight quickly, fat, weight loss program

A Simple Plan For Weight Loss

The math is pretty simple. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use. That's about 500 calories a day. By cutting out 500 calories a day from your normal daily diet, while keeping your activity level the same, you can lose approximately one pound a week. All right - that doesn't sound like much, especially if you're more than 25 pounds overweight. Study after study has shown, thoug... Article Body: The math is pretty simple. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use. That's about 500 calories a day. By cutting out 500 calories a day from your normal daily diet, while keeping your activity level the same, you can lose approximately one pound a week. <script type="text/javascript"><!--
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</script> All right - that doesn't sound like much, especially if you're more than 25 pounds overweight. Study after study has shown, though, that those people who lose weight gradually - at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week -are far more likely to keep the weight off and maintain a normal weight for a lifetime. So how much exactly IS 500 calories? If you're going to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories, it helps to know what you need to cut out, right? Here's how easy it is to lose 500 calories a day: * Use milk instead of cream in your coffee. Savings? 50 calories per cup. * Skip the butter on your baked potato. Savings? 100 calories * Drink fruit-flavored water instead of a 16 ounce soda. Savings? 200 calories * Skip the Big Mac and have a salad instead. A Big Mac weighs in at a whopping 460 calories. A fresh salad with a light dressing? Less than 100! Savings? 360 calories * Pass by the bag of potato chips. An average snack size bag of chips has over 300 calories. Savings? 300 calories * Eat your corn on the ear. A 1 cup serving of canned corn has 165 calories. An ear of corn has 85. Savings? 80 calories. * Switch to low-fat cream cheese on your bagel. Savings? 90 calories per ounce. * Love those fries and can't give them up? Swap the skinny fries out for thick steak-cut ones. Thin French fries absorb more oil than the thicker, meatier ones. Savings? 50 calories per 4 ounce serving If you'd rather look at losing weight from an exercise perspective, you can also lose one pound a week by upping your activity level by 500 calories a day. How easy is that to do? Take a look: * Take a half-hour walk around the park. Aim for a pace that's a little faster than a stroll, but not fast enough to be breathless. Burn: 160 calories. * Get out your bike and take a ride. Tackle a few moderate hills and aim for about five miles total. Burn: 250 calories * Go dancing - and really DANCE. The longer you're out on the floor instead of at the table drinking up high-calorie drinks, the more you'll get out of it. Dancing that makes you breathless and warms up your body will net you a nice calorie savings. Burn: 400 calories for one hour * Swimming is great for you, and a lot of fun, too. The water resistance means you burn more calories, and you avoid the stress impact on joints from aerobics, dancing or walking. Do a few laps at a slow crawl - if you can get up to an hour you'll be doing great! Burn: 510 calories * Get out into your garden. An hour of gardening tasks that includes bending and stretching can burn up to as many calories as a brisk walk. Burn: 250 calories. * Play a game of tennis. Hook up with a friend for a weekly tennis game and you'll be amazed at the difference. One hour of vigorous tennis is one of the best calorie burners around. Burn: 800 calories It’s important to keep in mind that all exercise/calorie numbers are based on a woman weighing 130 pounds. If you weigh more, you'll burn more. Want an added bonus to burning calories through exercise? When you exercise, you build muscle by converting it from fat. Three guesses which kind of body tissue burns more calories - even when you're not exercising. You got it - your body uses more energy to maintain and feed muscle than it does fat. For best results, mix and match food savings with exercises that burn calories. Do keep in mind that eating less than 1000 calories a day for more than a few days will convince your body that it's starving and slow your metabolism. Keep calorie ranges reasonable, and consult a doctor if you want a quicker, more drastic weight loss.

A review of the fat loss 4 idiots diet

Fat loss 4 idiots is a new diet plan that claims to  help or rather make you lose 9 pounds in just 11 days. Although the advised average weight loss is between 3 to 4 pounds per week this diet is an ideal approach to kick start yourself to a new you.
A review of the fat loss 4 idiots diet

Fat loss 4 idiots is a new diet plan that claims to  help or rather make you lose 9 pounds in just 11 days. Although the advised average weight loss is between 3 to 4 pounds per week this diet is an ideal approach to kick start yourself to a new you. Losing 9  pounds within 11 days would keep King Kong on track so what’s wrong with average Joe or plan Jane jumping onto the bandwagon of slim and sexy forever.
So does this diet actually work? Can you shed 9 pounds in 11 days?

Personally I believe this diet to be great! I think this one diet among several that really advertises the truth. Yes you can shed 9 pounds in just 11 days. Why am I so confident about this diet? I myself have done it. 

Why does this diet work? How is it different from other diets?

This diet is based on the principle of shifting calories. This diet recognizes that our body has an amazing adjusting capacity. Our metabolism adjusts really quickly to the quantity of food we eat and hence speeds up or slows down accordingly. Our body builds a certain tolerance to certain foods and prioritizes what needs to be burned first and what can be burnt slower. Normally calories are first burned before the fat. 

Most diets don’t work because they are aware of the fact that calories are burnt before fats and hence advice lower calorie intake. But what they do not realize is that our body is extremely clever. If you reduce your intake of calories even for a month, your body adjusts to it and your metabolism will not reduce too much fat. 

The fat loss 4 idiots diet is not focused on the calories you consume but works on a special calorie eating system.

This diet encourages you to have not 3 but 4 meals everyday for the 11 days. It does not restrict you from many foods. It encourages you to eat a certain type of food one week and eat a different type of food the next week. It basically aims at tricking our metabolism which indeed is a quick and clever learner. If we eat different types of food every week, our body will not have room to adjust to any type. Thus our metabolism will be high and hence causing the burning of fats. Remember the higher your metabolism, the more fats will be burned. Say for example we eat about 2,500 calories and suddenly switch to 200 calories, our body may still read it as 2500 calories and thus burn fat in the bargain.  

If you are overweight or obese, and you want to lose weight, give this diet a try. It is only an 11 day diet. You can also resume the diet after 3 days. And on those 3 days you can eat whatever you care to eat. This diet is fairly easy to follow. It allows you to eat fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and proteins. Believe you me, this is a very easy diet to follow and what is more, the results actually show at the end of the diet.

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