Simple Weight Loss Diet Secrets - How to Have Amazing Success With a Simple Weight Loss Diet!

Simple Weight Loss Diet Secrets - How to Have Amazing Success With a Simple Weight Loss Diet!

Simple weight loss diet plans seem to have flown through the window lately. Now days, every diet seems to have a gimmick or need a celebrity endorsement for it to rank as a success and gain any attention. Want to know a secret though? If you are searching for a diet plan that will work and that you can comfortably integrate into your lifestyle, you really can't go past a simple weight loss diet.
To understand why a simple weight loss diet is the best approach to losing weight and keeping it off, it is first important that you understand clearly just why we put weight on in the first place. Our bodies are programmed to a strict formula.We use energy to do work and to stay alive. Our source of energy is food. We need to eat enough food to meet our energy needs and keep ourselves healthy, but when we eat even the slightest amount more than that, our bodies store it away. I should clarify that.They store it away as fat!

A simple weight loss diet understands this formula and is based on the knowledge of energy balance and using the facts of how our bodies work to advantage. It uses a two pronged approach towards weight loss. Firstly, the plan will allow enough food energy each day to meet our body's requirements. It will then increase activity slightly each day so that our bodies use the stored energy in our fat to meet the shortfall of calories it requires. The simple weight loss diet carefully uses the science of weight loss to ensure we drop weight.

So what are the components of a healthy but simple weight loss diet? Firstly we should discuss what they are not:

1. A simple weight loss diet does not promote weight loss through the use of weight loss pills

2. The diet will not advocate purchasing expensive pre-packaged meals that only benefit the weight loss company

3. The plan will not involve paying large amounts of money for expensive gym equipment

4. Lastly, a simple weight loss diet will not use Hollywood celebrities or gimmicks to promote its brand name.

What a simple weight loss diet will do is:

1. Base your daily eating plan on a healthy, nutritionally balanced calorie count

2. Allow you to make choices as to what you eat and when

3. Provide the information necessary to help you make informed decisions about what you eat

4. Help you to monitor and increase your daily activities so that you burn more calories than you supply through food

5. Offer motivational resources that support you through the entire weight loss journey

6. Be easily available and relatively inexpensive

7. Allow you to take control by being responsible for your own weight loss in the privacy of your own home.

It is important to remember that, despite what the tabloids say, there is no quick fix to weight loss. A simple weight loss diet based on sound scientific facts is the only proven method to lose weight safely and keep it off permanently.

If you are thinking about taking action to lose weight don't be fooled by the gimmicks out there. A safe and simple weight loss diet will be your best bet every time.

Weight loss is estimated to be a 65 billion dollar industry this year with overweight people being enticed to part with their hard earned money, on the promise of the next sure thing to make them slim overnight! However, if you are really serious about weight loss the safest course of action you can take is to follow a simple weight loss diet, secure in the knowledge that it will work and you will not hurt your health by following it.

If you would like to investigate more about the most successful simple weight loss diet available today, please follow the preceding highlighted link. You might also like to read the personal story of the author who lost a great amount of weight following a simple weight loss diet

The Best Workout For Weight Loss

The Best Workout For Weight Loss

The best workout for weight loss is the one which maximizes your calorie burning, without reducing your resting metabolism. It is possible for some exercise regimes to reduce your resting metabolism, so that you actually need fewer calories to live. Then you may stop losing weight, even though you are getting fitter.
The human body, for all its wonders, controls its weight pretty simply. Consume more calories than you use and you gain weight. Use more calories than you eat and you lose weight. So why is it so difficult to find a diet and exercise regime that really works?

The simple answer is that there are competing factors at work. For example, if you starve yourself on a really harsh diet, you consume a lot less calories. But, you will also start losing muscle mass. Then your resting metabolism, the calories which you use just to keep your body going each day, will decrease.

As this resting metabolism uses a huge 65% - 75% of your total daily use of calories, a reduction can soon mean that you need less calories each day to live, so the diet will not have the same effect. Dieters often find the so-called 'plateau', where initial weight loss levels out, despite severe calorie restriction in their diet.

The same effect can be seen with exercise. There has been much talk about the increase in resting metabolism after exercising. The theory is that, after exercise your metabolism stays at a higher rate, causing you to burn more calories even when you have finished your workout.

The length of time that this continues running depends on how hard and for how long you exercised. However, most people who aren't athletes don't work hard enough for the effect to last more than an hour - so the total amount of extra calories burned after exercising finishes may be less than 50 calories. A drop in the ocean when most of us consume 2000 - 3000 calories per day!

Clearly a more coordinated approach is required. Many studies have found that the combination of controlling the diet with a good exercise regime produces the maximum weight loss, and helps to maintain the reduction. The key things to achieve are:

Restriction of the intake of calories.
Some exercise that increases muscle mass, which increases resting metabolism.
Other exercise which uses calories while you are doing it, and keeps your metabolism at a higher level for as long as possible when you stop.
The first point is fairly obvious, although there has been more work done recently studying how the make up of the calorie intake affects weight loss.

The best workout for weight loss must include some resistance exercises to increase muscle mass. Basically you want to push your main muscle groups to the level where the body feels the need to build them up.

One way to build muscle is to lift weights which are so heavy that after a certain number of repetitions you tire, and can't manage any more. What happens is that your body responds to this 'overload' by adding muscle mass. Then you do the same again, and again, slowly increasing the level of resistance, with the muscle mass increasing all of the time.

It is important to remember that the body carries out this 'bulking up maintenance' when you are resting. After doing some resistance exercises, you need to rest. That means no more resistance exercises on the same muscle group for at least 48 hours. Failure to observe this simple rule can easily lead to injury.

Ideally you will follow a program which exercises each of the main muscle groups in the body - arms, legs, abdomen, etc. You don't need any special equipment, or to join a gym if you don't want to, as all the muscle groups can be exercised with so-called 'body weight' exercises. However, beginners are advised to be very cautious to avoid over-straining, or to get good quality guidance from a reputable guide or fitness instructor.

Many people, me included, find muscle-building exercises a bit of a drag. But don't forget that a suitably trim and muscular body looks much more attractive than a thin, wasting-away one. You want to lose weight, but you don't want to travel by fax, do you?

Thirdly, you need to introduce the calorie burning part. Here's where you can have most fun - maybe you like running, maybe you don't. There must be some form of endurance exercise (i.e. one takes some time and gets you sweating) that you like. Swimming? Playing basketball? Or tennis? There are so many possibilities. The key thing is that you really enjoy doing them. If you enjoy doing something you are much more likely to stick with it than if you find it a drudge. Newlyweds probably won't need any help with ideas in this area!

So if you want to lose weight and get fitter, you need to combine controlling your diet with doing some exercise. And the best workout for weight loss is to do something you really enjoy. Then add some muscle building exercises for maximum calorie burning.

Fast Weight Loss Exercise Program

Fast Weight Loss Exercise Program

A fast weight loss exercise program is fairly simple to develop and implement. The real question is, "Can you stick with it long enough to lose weight?"

We all know that exercise is important to maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. We also know that exercise is an important ingredient in our plan to control our body weight.
There are a variety of fast weight loss plans available. Let's take a look at a fast weight loss exercise program that you can implement immediately. You can use this fast weight loss plan as described or tweak it to fit your individual preferences.

The best fast weight loss exercise program is . . . walking! Are you surprised? Well, let's take a look at why walking is the best of the fast weight loss plans.

Walking is an aerobic exercise. Aerobic means literally "with air" and includes activities that are moderately intense, activities that you can continue for extended periods of time, and activities that use the large muscle groups in our arms and legs.

Jogging, cycling, skiing, and rowing are also forms of aerobic exercise. The reason walking is the best choice is because it can be done by anyone at anytime, anywhere, by ourselves, and with no special equipment. It's simple, invigorating, and effective at assisting with weight loss.

Arguably the most important benefit of walking is that it prepares us mentally for the challenge of weight loss. The most important ingredient in any fast weight loss plan is action. We must take action before any change will occur. Walking is an action that is both simple and easy. The action of walking is a signal to our subconscious that we are ready to include additional actions in our weight loss regimen.

Aerobic exercise offers specific benefits related to weight loss including:

Aerobic exercise burns calories. Most of us discover that we consume less food when we exercise on a regular basis. This combination of exercise and reduced calories results in fast weight loss.

Aerobic exercise burns both carbohydrates and fat during the first 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body primarily burns fat.

Muscle burns more calories than fat. Aerobic exercise helps to increase muscle mass. Consequently, you will be able consume more calories without gaining weight.

You will find that a moderate amount of aerobic exercise will decrease your desire to eat.

You will also find that with a consistent amount of moderate aerobic exercise your tendency to overeat will decrease. It is well-documented that both stress and depression are reduced as a result of moderate aerobic exercise.

So, there you have it! A fast weight loss exercise program can be structured around moderate aerobic exercise, beginning with walking. And, the great news is that you CAN stick with walking long enough to lose weight.

The Best Workout For Weight Loss

The Best Workout For Weight Loss

The best workout for weight loss is the one which maximizes your calorie burning, without reducing your resting metabolism. Workout For Weight Loss It is possible for some exercise regimes to reduce your resting metabolism, so that you actually need fewer calories to live. Then you may stop losing weight, even though you are getting fitter.
The human body, for all its wonders, controls its weight pretty simply. Workout For Weight Loss Consume more calories than you use and you gain weight. Use more calories than you eat and you lose weight. So why is it so difficult to find a diet and exercise regime that really works?

The simple answer is that there are competing factors at work. For example, if you starve yourself on a really harsh diet, you consume a lot less calories. But, you will also start losing muscle mass. Then your resting metabolism, the calories which you use just to keep your body going each day, will decrease.

As this resting metabolism uses a huge 65% - 75% of your total daily use of calories, a reduction can soon mean that you need less calories each day to live, so the diet will not have the same effect. Dieters often find the so-called 'plateau', where initial Best Workout weight loss levels out, despite severe calorie restriction in their diet.

The same effect can be seen with exercise. There has been much talk about the increase in resting metabolism after exercising. The theory is that, after exercise your metabolism stays at a higher rate, causing you to burn more calories even when you have finished your Best Workout
The length of time that this continues running depends on how hard and for how long you exercised. However, most people who aren't athletes don't work hard enough for the effect to last more than an hour - so the total amount of extra calories burned after exercising finishes may be less than 50 calories. A drop in the ocean when most of us consume 2000 - 3000 calories per day!

Clearly a more coordinated approach is required. Many studies have found that the combination of controlling the diet with a good exercise regime produces the maximum weight loss, and helps to maintain the reduction. The key things to achieve are:

Restriction of the intake of calories.
Some exercise that increases muscle mass, which increases resting metabolism.
Other exercise which uses calories while you are doing it, and keeps your metabolism at a higher level for as long as possible when you stop.
The first point is fairly obvious, although there has been more work done recently studying how the make up of the calorie intake affects Workout For Weight Loss

The best workout for weight loss must include some resistance exercises to increase muscle mass. Basically you want to push your main muscle groups to the level where the body feels the need to build them up.

One way to build muscle is to lift weights which are so heavy that after a certain number of repetitions you tire, and can't manage any more. What happens is that your body responds to this 'overload' by adding muscle mass. Then you do the same again, and again, slowly increasing the level of resistance, with the muscle mass increasing all of the time.

It is important to remember that the body carries out this 'bulking up maintenance' when you are resting. After doing some resistance exercises, you need to rest. That means no more resistance exercises on the same muscle group for at least 48 hours. Failure to observe this simple rule can easily lead to injury.

Ideally you will follow a program which exercises each of the main muscle groups in the body - arms, legs, abdomen, etc. You don't need any special equipment, or to join a gym if you don't want to, as all the muscle groups can be exercised with so-called 'body weight' exercises. However, beginners are advised to be very cautious to avoid over-straining, or to get good quality guidance from a reputable guide or fitness instructor.

Many people, me included, find muscle-building exercises a bit of a drag. But don't forget that a suitably trim and muscular body looks much more attractive than a thin, wasting-away one. You want to lose weight, but you don't want to travel by fax, do you?

Thirdly, you need to introduce the calorie burning part. Here's where you can have most fun - maybe you like running, maybe you don't. There must be some form of endurance exercise (i.e. one takes some time and gets you sweating) that you like. Swimming? Playing basketball? Or tennis? There are so many possibilities. The key thing is that you really enjoy doing them. If you enjoy doing something you are much more likely to stick with it than if you find it a drudge. Newlyweds probably won't need any help with ideas in this area!

So if you want to lose weight and get fitter, you need to combine controlling your diet with doing some exercise. And the best workout for weight loss is to do something you really enjoy. Then add some muscle building exercises for maximum calorie burning.